
Microcosm pedal
Microcosm pedal

microcosm pedal

The left expression pedal is used both for the Tensor for controlling the blend knob, or for the Avalanche Run to control the reverb mix.


The right expression pedal adjusts the IJ dry knob allowing me to blend the dry/wet signal, or use it as a volume pedal when switching the IJ into manual mode. The Ditto being at the start allows me to fiddle with effects while the loop is playing, and if I ever need to loop my playing with the effects “stored”, I can use the sole looping option on the microcosm (turning it into a very glorified looper lol) In love with the sounds I can achieve with these pedals, I have lots of range to work with. All powered by the Truetone CS12 and CS7.

  • Bikequity: Money, Class, & Bicycling by Elly Blue, Joe Biel, Lauren Hage, Gretchin Lair, Adonia E.Signal chain: Polytune 3 -> TC Electronic Ditto -> EQD Data Corrupter -> Hologram Electronics Infinite Jets -> Eventide Pitchfactor -> EQD Westwood -> Big Muff (Black Russian V8) -> Keeley Loomer -> Alexander Pedals Syntax Error -> EQD Aqueduct -> Walrus Audio Julia -> Hologram Electronics Microcosm -> Red Panda Tensor -> EQD Avalanche Run V2 (The DI is used when recording straight into my interface).
  • Dragon Bike: Fantastical Stories of Bicycling, Feminism, & Dragons by Elly Blue, Monique Cuillerier, Cecilia Granata and Gretchin Lair.
  • Chainbreaker Bike Book: An Illustrated Manual of Radical Bicycle Maintenance, Culture, & History by Ethan Clark and Shelley Lynn Jackson.
  • A husband and wife team, with the occasional help from their young son, and a second child on the way, makes Cornerstone a top contender for the title of the worlds most wholesome pedal maker.
  • The Velocipede Races by Emily June Street Excellent pedal, from an amazing small, independent business in Italy.
  • Bikes Not Rockets: Intersectional Feminist Bicycle Science Fiction Stories by Elly Blue, Elly Bangs, Monique Cuillerier, Gretchin Lair and Summer Jewel Keown.
  • Bikes in Space: Volume II: More Feminist Science Fiction by Elly Blue, Elly Bangs, Elizabeth Buchanan, Caitlin Giddings, Jessie L.
  • Bikes in Space: Feminist Bicycle Science Fiction by Elly Blue, Katura Reynolds, Kate Berube, Elizabeth Buchanan, Nicky Drayden, 4 more.
  • Although ambient music has proved to fascinate musicians and listeners for decades now, it’s undeniable that in. Read all our latest features and gear columns here.

    microcosm pedal

    Kwak, Gretchin Lair, Cynthia Marts, Maddy Spencer and Kris Rose The Microcosm was on my wish list a few years ago, but I got distracted by a few more recent purchases that do some of the ambient looping stuff a Microcosm can do, so I sort of forgot about it. Pedals such as the Chase Bliss MOOD, Montreal Assembly Count To Five and Hologram Electronics Infinite Jets are renowned as being some of the best stompboxes to use for ambient. At the heart of the pedal are 11 unique effects (three micro loops, three granule, three glitch and two multi-delay) with four presets each, for a total of 44 preset variations. Biketopia: Feminist Bicycle Science Fiction Stories in Extreme Futures by Elly Blue, Jessie L. The beauty of the Microcosm is that it allows you to get all of your glitchy, granular goodness straight from a stompbox, without having to run through a DAW."Yep, all our lives needed to be complete was a bunch of YA feminist stories featuring badass heroines, zombies and bicycles.this anthology is so smart and sassy that (a) it doesn’t need training wheels and (b) the only thing it requires is your brainnnnssss…" Badass women on bikes in dystopian futures? What’s not to love?"

    microcosm pedal

    "It’s short stories (and a comic) so again, a range of voices, and if you’ve ever wondered what would have if bikes developed AI, there’s one in here for you.


    The feminism reflected in these pages is my feminism: intelligent, inclusive, and women-centered." Pro Women's Cycling Today, Mythos builds quality guitar effects with the hopes of further connecting guitar players with their instrument and the tone in their heads. At multiple points in my reading, I found myself drawing hearts in the margins or laughing out loud with sheer delight. Welcome to Mythos was started 2010 with the hope of making classic circuits more attainable but it has evolved far beyond our original vision. The 13 short stories that follow are the feminist bicycle science fiction stories I’ve been waiting for my entire life, without even knowing it. "The stories range from funny to horrifying, satirical to was great fun, and I highly recommend it!" Money Back Guarantee ensures YOU receive the. "A thrilling and fun book!.Each story speaks different voices which will boost up your adrenaline." Shop the Largest Selection, Click to See Search eBay faster with PicClick. There’s a real mixture to keep you entertained, and the nice thing is that a collection of short stories is easy to dip into whenever you have only a short amount of time to spare." "Some of the stories are scary, while others are hilarious.

    Microcosm pedal